Social Software and its Role in Product Promotion
This is a Blog that I am operating for a grade! That's right, this is a school project! The class: Audience Research, the goal: To determine what people think about SOCIAL SOFTWARE (ie: MYSPACE, Facebook, etc), and how effective it is for marketing products!
It's easy to wash dishes with a dishwasher (as in the picture). It's hard to wash dishes by hand. You're claim to wash them for free in exchange for dinner is therefore not impressive to me.
As for anyone buying ripped, bleach stained jeans (because that's what they amount to, really) for $100...anyone who would waste their money on something like that obviously needs a good punch in the face. Perhaps I should start my own discounted destroyed denim company, charge only $50, and still make money hand over fist off of jackasses who don't know better. The reason that girl has so many myspace friends is not because she offers a superior product, it's because she has slutty and otherwise ridiculous pictures posted on her page. As you point out, if every one of her friends bought a pair of jeans from her, she'd be a millionaire many times over. I doubt even 1% of her myspace friends have done anything more than click on her website just to see if she had other suggestive pictures posted there. I think myspace is a great forum to basically stalk other people (really, do you need to know most of the things that people, including myself, routinely post on their pages? no.) but I don't find it a reliable source to find merchants to buy things from. I DEFINITELY wouldn't buy anything from the jeans girl, as I try not to associate myself with whores (except for LI Ry). I hope that opinion helps with your project. Who's your professor, anyway?
gregg wash my dishes because your mom made me breakfast. and the t-barge is at Dr. Bobz, a place i seem to be more and more. but yeah get the f home cause ithica sucks and so do redneck hippys.
ooh yeah some idiot gave me 2500 for my red dodge, haha what a retard...
Peace Homez
your a fuckin sexy dishwasher, even if it does require minimum effort. p.s. the links on the left are repeated. and the blue writing is hard to read. otherwise the site looks good! (hope u get an A!)
Whats up
I think your project is a great idea just find some more examples from differnet companies ex: bands and other shiz.. Meagan is a dumb bitch and is missing the whole point wow u never told me how ditzy some ithaca girls are.. I read her whole fucken rant about some girl who is clearly using her looks as an advertisment ploy.. which is probaly working if meagan didn't rant about her being a slut and turn on the tv and see sex appeal is a part of advertisement, If you see meagan whoever she is tell her to go fuck herself and open her eyes to the profits that are being from advertisement on Myspace. deargod i feel like an ewhore, miss ya gregg give me a call jeerzy sucks and tell the woman i said hi. ps. your teacher is cool for letting you do this project, my teachers suck
i made a mistake i read Meagans comment again now i am gonna flip, I hate fucking stupid dumb bitches who are to one-sided and stuck up to look past possibilties. People and companies can now get free advertisement for their product without wasting money. Additionally, may products that can not aford tv or radio advertisement can get on some exposure that they would normally never receive. Hoe can that possibly hurt... it can't it will only expand... i feel like my brian is going to explode how fucking dumb can meagan possibly be well it looks her well spent money for "higher education" has been flushed right down the toilet with a pile of shit. sorry hope you get a good grade.
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