Sellers Voice
My most recent friend acquisition on Myspace is Sellers Voice! Another wonderful service catering to the eBay community. Sellers-Voice allows eBay sellers to ad a vocal track to their eBay auctions, making it impossible for buyers to miss the important details.
This wonderful product is being marketed on Myspace! The account manager for their Myspace marketing added me as a friend, po

The service has 2080 friends on Myspace. As I have always mentioned, the friends of friends effect is taking par. Those 2080 friends have other Myspace friends that see this Sellers-Voice, and are possibly intrigued.
This leads me to think of one more way to target specific demographics. What groups do people belong to on FaceBook and Myspace?
My Facebook list is a mile long, and grows whenever I have nothing better to do! I get messages from group leaders about things that may be happening on campus. I may or may not check these things out!
What do you think?
Is targeting advertisements on social software through groups a good way to market products or services, such as Sellers-Voice?
If you received a friend request from a product or service that was a member of, or sponsored by a Myspace or Facebook group to which you belong, would you accept the request?
Would you look at the product and deny the request? (you - the target demographic are still VIEWING the ad!)
Even though you may not wish to see the ad for the specific product, you may have seen it anyway!!! Do you remember things like this, or do you not even look, and ignore these types of requests?
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