The NEW Wisdom of the WEB!
The most recent cover of news week read, "Putting the 'WE' in WEB!" The article associated with this exciting headline is in respect to SOCIAL SOFTWARE! It discusses the change in online trends, and tells the tale of the early days of social software, such as, my personal favorite, Myspace, and flickr!

By Steven Levy and Brad Stone
April 3, 2006 issue - A little over two years ago, even the most sensitive entrepreneurial radar could not pick out two pairs of people on opposite ends of the West Coast starting companies that would make plenty out of nothing. In Santa Monica, Calif., dot-com survivors Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson were hatching the idea of taking on biggies like AOL and Yahoo with a Web site consisting only of stuff that people would bring to it. And up in Vancouver, B.C., married collaborators Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake were just figuring out that the online game they were developing might work better as a way for people to share their digital photos with each other.
Now both fledgling companies are leading a charge of innovators making hay out of the Internet's ability to empower citizens and enrich those who help with the empowerment. The southern California guys head MySpace, the prime hangout for 65 million (mostly young) people, and thousands of rock bands, movie stars and marketers begging for their attention. Canadian-born Flickr, by building a 2.5 million-member community solely around a passion for sharing photos, has become a poster child on how a well-executed Net effort can make big changes in people's habits. Welcome to the new tech boom.
Oh, and unlike the old boom, where entrepreneurs couldn't get to the IPO broker's office quick enough, these crafty duos have already taken the money and stayed. Yahoo has snapped up Flickr to bolster the portfolio of services it offers to its half-billion users. And the new owner of MySpace is that wild and crazy (like, um, a fox) digital punkster, Rupert Murdoch—hedging his bets on what might be the next Net-powered media upheaval.
(I borrowed this from newsweek! Clearly, I am not a writer, and this could not possibly have been written by me!)
There is more to this article, which can be found at!
What does all this mean?!
I am excited! I am hoping that soon enough, Myspace may become a publicly traded company, at which time I will become very rich!!! SEE...Social software is marketing itself! If the stock sells (and IT will!), profit can be wonderful!
When this company becomes publicly traded, the simple act of people keeping in touch with other people, in the most amazing, yet most simple form, will make money for many! Picking the companies early is important (thanks dad)!