SOCIAL MARKETING..........for teachers?!
It is true, social software is designed to keep the procrastinators procrastinating, and those laden with boredom excited about the next moment they will have to sit before their glowing box, and enjoy the lives of others!
Beside the social and marketing aspects that I have discussed, there is another important form of marketing taking place on places such as Myspace,,,, and many more. That’s right, if you haven’t guessed it already; social software is taking EDUCATION and marketing to a new level!
Considering myself a relatively honest person, I admit, I have rated my teachers on MYSPACE! [See the image below]

For college students, this is a wonderful form of marketing! Not only can students make an educated decision about which professors they definitely want to have in college, but myspace can generate revenue by showing banner ads (which I have cut out of the above placed image)!
As for the other sites…I have looked at them, and quite frankly, I think they are WONDERFUL! I was so excited, and bored, that I went on and rated almost every single teacher that I have ever had (since freshmen year in high school, that is!).
IS this a good way to sell students on particular teachers?
IS this a good way to gain impressions for advertising messages displayed on social networking sites?
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